約有 1 210 個結果
  1. Bill Gates, Microsoft founder wishes he learned Warren ... - Fortune

  2. Melinda French Gates to give $1 billion to women's rights groups

  3. Réussir sa carrière sans gâcher sa vie : ce conseil plein de bon sens ...

  4. The Path Bill Gates Sees to Overcoming Alzheimer’s Biggest …

  5. This Book Taught Bill Gates to Be Less Socially Awkward. It Can …

  6. Melinda French Gates va consacrer un milliard de dollars à la …

  7. Bill Gates Reveals He "Could've Learned" This Lesson From …

  8. Melinda Gates Announces First Solo Donations - Newsweek

  9. Bill Gates shares Warren Buffett's time management tip

  10. Melinda French Gates explains why she's leaving her and Bill Gates ...

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