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  1. HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) is a secure version of the HTTP protocol that uses the SSL/TLS protocol for encryption and authentication. HTTPS is specified by RFC 2818 (May 2000) and uses port 443 by default instead of HTTP’s port 80.
    What port does HTTPS use? HTTPS uses port 443.
    When looking at the address bar in a web browser, secure addresses are distinguishable by the protocol itself, and rather than using port 80 by default, HTTPS addresses use port 443 on the server side.
    If the webserver is using Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) the remote port will be port 443. Your computer will use any of the free ephemeral ports to make a connection to port 443 at the IP address of the webserver. There are 65535 TCP/IP ports (and the same number of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) ports).…
    Port 8443 is a port number commonly associated with secure communication over the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTPS). It is an alternative to the default HTTPS port 443, often used for accessing web resources securely.
  2. Understanding Port 80 And 443: Key Differences And Security ...

  3. WebIl y a 4 jours · HTTP stands for Hypertext Transfer Protocol. It is the protocol that enables communication between different systems, transferring information and data over a network. On the other hand, HTTPS stands …

  4. Ensuring Secure Data Transmission: Protocols and Practices

  5. Improving Speed and Security of Our Projects with HTTP/3 + QUIC

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