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    Votes positifs3answered Dec 4, 2013 at 13:54

    It is part of the client / workstation tools selection in the installation package. Here is a screenshot of the installation wizard.

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    SQL Server Management Studio 2005的介绍
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    sql server management studio 2005
  2. Download Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio Express from …

  3. Télécharger SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

  4. Autres questions posées
    The SQL Server Management Studio query window defaults to the master database context. Any queries executed from the query window will execute in the master database unless you change the context. model is a template database.
    SQL Server 2005 comes with some default System databases-- master, model, msdb, and tempdb. To view these default database nodes, expand the Database node and then System Databases node, as shown in Figure 1-10, and you will be able to see the default System databases. Figure 1-10. Default System Databases
    The SQL Server Management Studio tool is based on the Microsoft Development Environment used in Microsoft Visual Studio® 2005 to create applications. If you are not already familiar with Visual Studio 2005, using the SQL Server Management Studio tool will help you learn to use the new Microsoft Development Environment for Visual Studio 2005.
    To start Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and open up SQL Server 2005’s Management Studio, follow these steps: From the Start menu, go to All Programs, select Microsoft SQL Server 2005, and then SQL Server Management Studio (as shown in the Figure 1-1 ). You will get the screen shown in Figure 1-2.
  5. SQL Server 2005 Management Studio - Stack Overflow

    Web4 déc. 2013 · A user asks where to find the SQL Server 2005 Management Studio installation and gets answers from other users. The answers suggest different options, such as choosing the client / workstation tools, …

  6. Download SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS)

  7. SQL Server Management Studio - Wikipedia

  8. 1. Starting Microsoft SQL Server 2005 - Learning SQL …

    WebLearn how to create, view, and modify databases and tables using SQL Server 2005 and its Management Studio. Follow the steps to create a database, use a query editor, and customize SQL Server settings.

  9. SQL Server 2005: Introduction to SQL Server Management Studio

  10. Comment obtenir le dernier Service Pack pour SQL Server 2005

  11. SQL Server Management Studio Tips, Tutorials, Webinars and more

  12. SQL Server Management Studio : Tout savoir de cet outil Microsoft

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